Monday, December 8, 2008

Caring and Sharing Christmas Toy Drive

Come join us for some holiday merriment at La Botana this Friday night December 12th for the Caring and Sharing Christmas Toy Drive!! Entry fee is an unwrapped toy or two...

Caring and Sharing has had over 250 requests for assistance with children's Christmas gifts this year. Please, please come out and suppoort your local community! Oh and enjoy some great live music and tasy wines and tapas!

See you there!

Don't forget your toy!

FAT and happy

Ok so Thanksgiving was awesome! We volunteered at Habitat For Humanity/Harbordocks and that was an awesome experience like always....and they fed us too! YUM!
Then we went home and had Rebecca, her mom Tina and Dave over for dinner. Everyone brought lots of yummy eats including a spectacular red velvet cake that Tina made. OMG it was like heaven on earth. I had it many days thereafter for breakfast and needless to say the cake had to go in the garbage and I had to get on the stairmaster. Tooey!

Now let's work out again real hard so wee can do it all over again in a couple of weeks for Christmas!


Can I just say HOLY COW about our new President?!? That's it...that's all I'm gonna say
HOLY COW!!!!!!!
Way to go America!

Falling off the face of the earth

WOW! I have fallen off the face of the blog world! I have to be honest with you....I did a little traveling and then I must confess.. "My name is Krissi and I am a Facebook-aholic!" I mean, who thought of this? Facebook is genius and I don't know how to stay off of it. It's like a drug and I need meds or therapy or something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for it to get busy again at work so I can get off the freakin' computer! I swear....
Anywho, I have missed you sweet wonderful blog and I'm back!!!
We have a lot of catching up to do!
I promise not to let Facebook take me away from you again.....hee hee hee