Monday, December 8, 2008

Caring and Sharing Christmas Toy Drive

Come join us for some holiday merriment at La Botana this Friday night December 12th for the Caring and Sharing Christmas Toy Drive!! Entry fee is an unwrapped toy or two...

Caring and Sharing has had over 250 requests for assistance with children's Christmas gifts this year. Please, please come out and suppoort your local community! Oh and enjoy some great live music and tasy wines and tapas!

See you there!

Don't forget your toy!

FAT and happy

Ok so Thanksgiving was awesome! We volunteered at Habitat For Humanity/Harbordocks and that was an awesome experience like always....and they fed us too! YUM!
Then we went home and had Rebecca, her mom Tina and Dave over for dinner. Everyone brought lots of yummy eats including a spectacular red velvet cake that Tina made. OMG it was like heaven on earth. I had it many days thereafter for breakfast and needless to say the cake had to go in the garbage and I had to get on the stairmaster. Tooey!

Now let's work out again real hard so wee can do it all over again in a couple of weeks for Christmas!


Can I just say HOLY COW about our new President?!? That's it...that's all I'm gonna say
HOLY COW!!!!!!!
Way to go America!

Falling off the face of the earth

WOW! I have fallen off the face of the blog world! I have to be honest with you....I did a little traveling and then I must confess.. "My name is Krissi and I am a Facebook-aholic!" I mean, who thought of this? Facebook is genius and I don't know how to stay off of it. It's like a drug and I need meds or therapy or something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for it to get busy again at work so I can get off the freakin' computer! I swear....
Anywho, I have missed you sweet wonderful blog and I'm back!!!
We have a lot of catching up to do!
I promise not to let Facebook take me away from you again.....hee hee hee

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Oh wow! What a great day!! I am soooo freaking excited!
I voted 2 weeks ago ( FLA has early voting) and boy did it make me feel good. I knew I had just CHANGED history!
I have to tell you what today has been like though. I've had a few friends share their feelings about their voting experience and I'll tell you it is SOMETHING! The emotion, the excitement, the smiles, the hope!!!! Happy Hallelujah .....I'm telling you this is a MOVEMEMENT! We are MOVING forward! I have never seen people so excited!

I started my day with a walk on the beach with my husband and dogs, in a little prayer. ....for God to lead the people of this country to do the right thing. To help us be be open and ready for CHANGE. And to be with the person that does win this election to take care of this country. I also prayed for the people who will be disappointed in this election, including myself, should that happen, that we will all find some sort of PEACE in our heart...... I hope you will stop and say a little prayer as well. Prayer does a body good ;)

Do your part and vote with your head and your heart and YOUR beliefs not just what you were brought up to always believe, not just what someone else wants you to believe in. Believe in yourself. Believe in Barack Obama.


Peace and Love to you people. It's a big day!

Friday, October 31, 2008


Alot of you have said you have tried to post comments and you can't. Well I went in the "backroom" and I think I fixed it so try try try again! I love that you want to participate!
Isn't this fun??!!

If you still have a problem please send me an email so I can figure out how to fix it!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat in Rosemary Beach this Halloween!

Friday October 31st the merchants of Rosemary will be passing out candy from 4-6pm!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Same Kind of Different As Me

Some of you may be surprised by this one and some of you, I think, have been expecting this from me for a while now.My life over the last 2 years has changed significantly as I have had some very positive influences pass through and for that I am very grateful.
Some things have been on my mind and heart for sometime now. I have been praying about it and spending a lot of time thinking about it.
For some reason I’ve been led to write it down and share it.
In the recent weeks of what has become a bitter presidential race, there have been so many comments, interviews, emails, quotes about Barack Obama being a Muslim….and it just got me thinking….
.SO WHAT if he is?
He’s not and I’m not going into great length about how I know he’s not (maybe that will be my next blog).

But SO WHAT IF HE IS? I’ve got news for you folks, the country that my grandmother or mother or even myself was born into is not the same country we live in today. Do we all know that there are thousands of peaceful, normal-functioning Muslims practicing their faith in our own country all around us? It’s not the craziest idea. Now I’m not a Muslim but I’m probably not the same religion as all of you either. But I’m still alright, right??Times have changed and we must change as well. If we don’t we will fail as a nation of people. Maybe “CHANGE” isn’t the best word to use right now but we have to be OPEN to new things.
This blog of mine here is not about Barack Obama. It is not about Democrats or Republicans, Whites, Chinese, or Blacks, Muslims, Baptists or Buddhists, Homosexuals or Heterosexuals.
It is about humankind.
It is about compassion, kindness and love.
It is about giving and loving and being better.
It is about accepting people regardless of the color of their skin or the religion they practice or the sex they choose to love, but rather what is in their heart
.…And about actually taking the time to see what is in other people’s hearts….
I just finished a book that is changing the way I live my life every single day. It’s not the latest and greatest self-help book or the trendiest new thing………..
It’s called Same Kind of Different As Me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore.

I urge you all to go out and buy this book right away. You can thank me later.For those of you in my family, just wait….this is your Christmas gift :)
This is truly a life-changing book, but it's not just about the book for me. It's the message. It's the same message that's been whispered in my ear so often lately to get out and DO MORE and be better! When you're heart and mind are open to receive, you will be amazed at what will come your way. This book came my way at a time when I was so open and searching and boy did I need to receive this message!!!

It is a true story of two very different people who’s lives remarkably intertwine and how it changes them and their surroundings. A homeless, illiterate black man and wealthy white art dealer become the best of friends with the guidance of one stubborn woman and, of course, God. And in the meantime, they do remarkable things for their community. This book is teaching me about not judging people, about trusting and having faith. Imagine if we all lived our life like that……..
I want to share one review from this book that sums it up best just so you can get it:
“The most inspirational and emotionally gripping story of faith, fortitude, and friendship I have ever read. A powerful example of the healing, restorative power of forgiveness and the transformational, life changing power of love.”- Mark Clayman, Executive Producer of the Pursuit of Happyness
We are all very, very different. I am different than my mother and father, I am different than very close friends of mine. I am different than my husband. But I still love them all so very much. I still respect them and admire them. Differences don’t make us “weird” as I have been called… differences simply make us DIFFERENT. We have got to find a way to love each other, to live with each other and to communicate with each other amidst all of our differences. We have got to find ways to expand our hearts and minds and change the way we live our lives every single day…the judgements, the predjudices, the mistrusts . Every single one of us needs to stop right now at this moment and think about how we MUST better understand the dire importance of the way we treat others. Take a minute and think about it and re-join me in a few……..
I want my children to grow up in a household and surrounding family where there are no boundaries on color, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. I want them to learn to love all people and to be kind and I want to continue to learn as I grow everyday because I am finding out that I really don’t know as much as I sometimes think I do. But I’m open to learning and talking and sharing with others. So that’s why I’ve invited you to my blog.
I’d like to challenge you all…. to… each day, be open to one thing that you hear or read or see that is “different” than what you believe in. Think about it, pray about it, meditate on it or do whatever you do and see how you feel. And then pass the good stuff along…. maybe share it with someone else.
Live your life as an example.
Let “your life be your message”.
“Be the change you wish to see in this world”.
Be love.
“Life is short and we do not have much time to gladden the hearts of those who travel with us so be quick to love and make haste to be kind.May the blessings of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit be upon you always.”
Please read every word of this. Re-read it. Read it again tomorrow…
Until next time…
One Love,

Hey Good Lookin' ! Whatcha Got Cookin'?

For those of you who don't know, I luuuvvvvv to cook!

More than that, I love to eat!

So if I stumble across a really tasty recipe I'm gonna share it with you.

Just look for a post titled 'Hey Good Lookin'! Whatcha Got Cookin' .

Cook for yourself or your family one night instead of going out. Sit around the table without the TV on and share your day with each other.

Teach your kids how to cook. Eat less fast food. Become a healthier guys see how this thing works now right.... ;)

Bon appetit!


John and I volunteered at The Habitat for Humanity/Harbordocks Thanksgiving Event last year and it was so fun!
I busted out my old Great Wall of China skills...hee hee hee ( I use to wait tables at a chinese joint called the Great Wall !)
Anywho, we had a blast, met some wonderful people, and ....GAVE BACK!
Oh and by the way the food is awesome. They feed you after your shift so SWEET, you don't have to cook!!
We're doing it again this year. Wanna do it???
Get your whole family involved.
Guess what?! It will make you feel good!!!!!!! :)

Habitat For Humanity

Come Volunteer!!
Thanksgiving at Harbor Docks with Okaloosa Habitat for Humanity

Okaloosa County Habitat for Humanity is opening the volunteer schedule for our annual Thanksgiving Day fundraiser at Harbor Docks. Each year Charles Morgan, owner of Harbor Docks, offers free Thanksgiving dinner to the community. Partnering with Charles, Habitat recruits volunteers to act as the wait staff for the entire day.

As year's progress we make adjustments on how the event is brought together. We have begun offering sit-down seating vs. a buffet line, which offered guest a more enjoyable expierence.

Also, this year we will be providing five volunteers for three days from 9 AM - 1 PM prior to the actual Thanksgiving event to help prepare food. Ms. Jones, the head cook, would appreciate the helping hands from our volunteers.

Monday, 11/24
9:00 - 1:00 - 2 OPENINGS

Tuesday, 11/25
9:00 - 1:00 - 2 OPENINGS

Wednesday, 11/26
9:00 - 1:00 - 1 OPENING

Thanksgiving Day, 11/27
9:30 - 1:30 - 37 OPENINGS
1:00 - 5:00 - 43 OPENINGS
4:30 - 8:30 - 43 OPENINGS

Please email me your shift preference, contact phone number for that day and t-shirt size. All positions are filled on a first come, first serve basis.

We are looking forward to another Thanksgiving together, hope you can join us.
Christy JonesOkaloosa County Habitat for Humanity


Same thing really, Thanksgiving and giving thanks.....funny thing happened to me this Sunday in church. After communion, during my "personal time of reflection", I just got so overwhelmed with emotion by the reaction to this blog and the message and my mind started racing of all the good things that can be done with this and all of the organizations we can get involved in and tell other people about and how many people we can help and I just felt so GRACIOUS and GRATEFUL for all that I have. I am not struggling every week to put food on my table. I'm not depressed about not having anywhere to go for Thanksgiving. I have a house. I have clothes. I have an amazing beautiful family that provides me with so much love and warmth and encouragement. These are all things that most of you and I take for granted. It's the little things in the life that can really become such huge hurdles for other folks in other situations that do not have the means or support around them to even function.

So as you start to prepare for Thanksgiving, GIVE THANKS for all that you have. Do something kind for someone that doesn't have. Consider volunteering at a local soup kitchen or food mission or homeless shelter. Bet it will make you feel good! :)


Peace and love to you!

Caring and Sharing Thanksgiving Baskets

While you're out at the grocery store...and feeling all like GIVING BACK and stuff.....please donate a Thanksgiving basket to a family in need!

Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort is providing Caring and Sharing with turkeys if you'll provide the fixin's. This is what is needed to give a family in need a nice Thanksgiving dinner (all must be canned or dry...not sure how to do that pumpkin pie but let's get creative):

cranberry sauce


canned potatoes

corn (2 cans)

misc veggies ( 2 cans)


pumpkin pie ( maybe pie crusts w/ can of pumpkin filling??)

Drop your baskets (or bags) off at Tracery 72 Main St Rosemary Beach!


FOOD DRIVE this Sunday

Christ The King Episcopal Church is having their First Sunday Food Drive this Sunday November 2.

(It's the first Sunday of every month by the way...)

Please bring one bag (or more if you can!) of canned or dry goods to :

Tracery (72 Main St Rosemary Beach )


Christ The King ( North Hwy 393 1/2 mi from 98 on the right).

Caring and Sharing has given out 388 bags of groceries this month and needs to give out about 100 more so please GIVE BACK to your community that is in dire need of food!

At this time, they are only able to help each family ONCE A MONTH! Do the math- that means there are 500 families right in our back yard that need assistance with basic food items!!!

So get your booty in the car and go to the grocery store and help someone in need!

It will make you feel good!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The most needed items are:
canned veggies
canned fruit
canned beef stew
canned soup
Ramen noodles
dry cereal
fruit juice
pasta sauce
canned tuna
peanut butter
canned beans
any size diapers

Thank you all!

WOW wow wow wow wow!!!!Thank you all so much for the emails and phone calls regarding my new blog. It is a special project for me and I have big hopes as to who this can reach and where it could go so thank you for appreciating it. Your kind words touch me and I was actually a little overwhelmed by the beautiful things you all said. Thank you.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bessie Mae

I have to give a big shout out to Bessie Mae for introducing me to the wide world of blogging!
Thanks Bess!
Loves it!

Visit Bess at Lucky Dog Love over there to your right!

Holy Cow!

WOW! Thanks for all you folks that brought groceries for Caring and Sharing down to Tracery today!

It's only like noon and I've got six huge bags here!


Seeeee doesn't giving feel goooooooood!!!!!!!

Dragonfly Book Club

I've got to give a shout out to The Dragonfly Book Club . That's where I came across Same Kind of Different As Me...what a great pick ladies!!!!!!
When's our next meeting?

Be Love For All

Speaking of Be Love....

Check THIS out!!!

Courtesy of the brilliant duo that I am proud to call my peeps, Kyle and KamGi Finch

Oh and besides the amazing message, they have awesome t-shirts! Gitcha one!!

Peace and Love,

Friday, October 24, 2008

Caring and Sharing

PEOPLE we need food! Caring and Sharing needs you!!!!!
There are so many people right here in Walton County that are in dire need of food!
Caring and Sharing provides assistance to families in need and they desperately need basic food items and diapers. They usually see about 6 families a day and now they are seeing about 20. Their shelves are empty. They are turning people away!
We're talking about basic food items! We need your help!!!!
Please please please get in involved!!! Spend an extra $10 or $20 at the grocery this week!!
Their most needed items are :
peanut butter
canned beans
canned veggies
canned fruit
spaghetti sauce
fruit juice
canned soup
Ramen noodles
canned beef stew
any size diapers

Please feel free to drop off any groceries at
72 Main St
Rosemary Beach
and I will take them to Caring and Sharing.

Thank you!!!!!

Same Kind of Different As Me

Some of you may be surprised by this one and some of you, I think, have been expecting this from me for a while now.
My life over the last 2 years has changed significantly as I have had some very positive influences pass through and for that I am very grateful.

Some things have been on my mind and heart for sometime now. I have been praying about it and spending a lot of time thinking about it.

For some reason I’ve been led to write it down and share it.

In the recent weeks of what has become a bitter presidential race, there have been so many comments, interviews, emails, quotes about Barack Obama being a Muslim….and it just got me thinking…..

SO WHAT if he is?

He’s not and I’m not going into great length about how I know he’s not (maybe that will be my next blog).
But SO WHAT IF HE IS? I’ve got news for you folks, the country that my grandmother or mother or even myself was born into is not the same country we live in today. Do we all know that there are thousands of peaceful, normal-functioning Muslims practicing their faith in our own country all around us? It’s not the craziest idea. Now I’m not a Muslim but I’m probably not the same religion as all of you either. But I’m still alright, right??
Times have changed and we must change as well. If we don’t we will fail as a nation of people. Maybe “CHANGE” isn’t the best word to use right now but we have to be OPEN to new things.

This blog of mine here is not about Barack Obama. It is not about Democrats or Republicans, Whites, Chinese, or Blacks, Muslims, Baptists or Buddhists, Homosexuals or Heterosexuals.

It is about humankind.

It is about compassion, kindness and love.

It is about giving and loving and being better.

It is about accepting people regardless of the color of their skin or the religion they practice or the sex they choose to love, but rather what is in their heart.

…And about actually taking the time to see what is in other people’s hearts….

I just finished a book that is changing the way I live my life every single day. It’s not the latest and greatest self-help book or the trendiest new thing………..
It’s called Same Kind of Different As Me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore.

I urge you all to go out and buy this book right away. You can thank me later.
For those of you in my family, just wait….this is your Christmas gift :)

This is truly a life-changing book, but it's not just about the book for me. It's the message. It's the same message that's been whispered in my ear so often lately to get out and DO MORE and be better! When you're heart and mind are open to receive, you will be amazed at what will come your way. This book came my way at a time when I was so open and searching and boy did I need to receive this message!!!

It is a true story of two very different people who’s lives remarkably intertwine and how it changes them and their surroundings. A homeless, illiterate black man and wealthy white art dealer become the best of friends with the guidance of one stubborn woman and, of course, God. And in the meantime, they do remarkable things for their community. This book is teaching me about not judging people, about trusting and having faith. Imagine if we all lived our life like that……..

I want to share one review from this book that sums it up best just so you can get it:

“The most inspirational and emotionally gripping story of faith, fortitude, and friendship I have ever read. A powerful example of the healing, restorative power of forgiveness and the transformational, life changing power of love.”
- Mark Clayman, Executive Producer of the Pursuit of Happyness

We are all very, very different. I am different than my mother and father, I am different than very close friends of mine. I am different than my husband. But I still love them all so very much. I still respect them and admire them. Differences don’t make us “weird” as I have been called… differences simply make us DIFFERENT. We have got to find a way to love each other, to live with each other and to communicate with each other amidst all of our differences. We have got to find ways to expand our hearts and minds and change the way we live our lives every single day…the judgements, the predjudices, the mistrusts . Every single one of us needs to stop right now at this moment and think about how we MUST better understand the dire importance of the way we treat others. Take a minute and think about it and re-join me in a few……..

I want my children to grow up in a household and surrounding family where there are no boundaries on color, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. I want them to learn to love all people and to be kind and I want to continue to learn as I grow everyday because I am finding out that I really don’t know as much as I sometimes think I do. But I’m open to learning and talking and sharing with others. So that’s why I’ve invited you to my blog.

I’d like to challenge you all…. to… each day, be open to one thing that you hear or read or see that is “different” than what you believe in. Think about it, pray about it, meditate on it or do whatever you do and see how you feel. And then pass the good stuff along…. maybe share it with someone else.

Live your life as an example.

Let “your life be your message”.

“Be the change you wish to see in this world”.

Be love.

“Life is short and we do not have much time to gladden the hearts of those who travel with us so be quick to love and make haste to be kind.
May the blessings of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit be upon you always.”

Please read every word of this. Re-read it. Read it again tomorrow…

Until next time…

One Love,

Hola people! Welcome to my BLOG!!!!!

Hey guys!

I’ve decided to share something with you!

I’ve gotta tell you – some great things are going on in my life!

I recently read a book that has inspired me to reach out to people. (More on that later!)

So I’ve started this blog … “A Day in The Life…”

You know me, I always have something to say! So instead of having all this stuff crammed into this pretty little head of mine, driving me crazy, I've started writing these thoughts down. Just to clear my head...just to minimize the chaos going on in there. Then I started thinking... I've got some pretty neat things to talk about....if someone would just listen ;)
So , my girlfriend ( who was probably just tired of listening ..hee hee) suggested I start a blog! Bess, you are BRILLZ!

So get ready folks because we are about to have a good time! Instead of inundating you with all my emails of interesting articles, thoughts and funnies, I’m gonna post them here. And you can visit me everyday! And you can share my blog with other people! How great is that?! Somedays it might be silly and some days it might be serious so don't be freaked out.

More importantly, I hope to use this as a tool to share and invite you to participate in some things I’m involved in and to help motivate more of you to GET INVOLVED and REACH OUT!

So welcome to my spot! My place to get it all out…..I hope you enjoy the ride and if nothing else may it provoke an interesting, positive conversation with yourself, your co-workers or your family & friends that maybe you wouldn’t have normally had.

Put me in your “favorites” …..I sure hope I am ;)

You can visit me anytime you’d like…. or not. You can blog with me….or not. You can agree with me… or not. You can laugh with me... or not.

I just ask you to be open.

Peace and Love,