Friday, October 24, 2008

Hola people! Welcome to my BLOG!!!!!

Hey guys!

I’ve decided to share something with you!

I’ve gotta tell you – some great things are going on in my life!

I recently read a book that has inspired me to reach out to people. (More on that later!)

So I’ve started this blog … “A Day in The Life…”

You know me, I always have something to say! So instead of having all this stuff crammed into this pretty little head of mine, driving me crazy, I've started writing these thoughts down. Just to clear my head...just to minimize the chaos going on in there. Then I started thinking... I've got some pretty neat things to talk about....if someone would just listen ;)
So , my girlfriend ( who was probably just tired of listening ..hee hee) suggested I start a blog! Bess, you are BRILLZ!

So get ready folks because we are about to have a good time! Instead of inundating you with all my emails of interesting articles, thoughts and funnies, I’m gonna post them here. And you can visit me everyday! And you can share my blog with other people! How great is that?! Somedays it might be silly and some days it might be serious so don't be freaked out.

More importantly, I hope to use this as a tool to share and invite you to participate in some things I’m involved in and to help motivate more of you to GET INVOLVED and REACH OUT!

So welcome to my spot! My place to get it all out…..I hope you enjoy the ride and if nothing else may it provoke an interesting, positive conversation with yourself, your co-workers or your family & friends that maybe you wouldn’t have normally had.

Put me in your “favorites” …..I sure hope I am ;)

You can visit me anytime you’d like…. or not. You can blog with me….or not. You can agree with me… or not. You can laugh with me... or not.

I just ask you to be open.

Peace and Love,


KamGi said...

Congratulations on the birth of A Day In The Life! You are such a beautiful & talented writer! I can soooo imagine watching the 'Krissi' show...Thank you for taking the time to do this, you've got a good strong voice, a big big heart & a 'pretty head' ~ great combo! Its going to be interesting to see what each new blog entry brings, knowing you it will be a real rollercoaster. Btw I've been meaning to congratulate you & John on your gorgeous new baby, she just melts my heart & to thank you both for my sweet birthday card & messages!